Men and women are separated at Qalandiya. On the man’s side, I talk to a young man from Qalqilya, north west of the West Bank, a good distance from this checkpoint. He also has a permit for Fridays in Ramadan. The soldiers tore it up. He has a young son at home and says he wouldn’t have come all this way if he’d known they wouldn’t let him pass. ‘What was the point in them giving me a permit if they don’t let me pass?’ he asked.
The soldiers say they are only letting men over 50 pass. One man is 49 and 11 months. He is told to go home.
One man won’t talk to me. He said there is no point, no one can help us, it’s useless.
Another man tells me that yesterday he came to the checkpoint to ask about passing today. The soldier told him to come, that it would be fine, he could pass. Today he is not allowed through.
I learn from a woman from Machsom (Checkpoint) Watch, a group of over 400 Israeli women who monitor different checkpoints across the country, that yesterday all the special passes were cancelled because of the Jewish holiday Rosh Hashana – New Year, starting this evening. Palestinians weren’t told about this. Today they are just told they cannot pass with the permit. No reason is given. I wondered if any of the soldiers felt the perverse irony of preventing Palestinians from marking their holy day because Israelis are marking theirs...
At 8.30 suddenly all Palestinians working in Aterot, a Jewish Industrial zone, are given permission to pass even if they are under 50. We are told the Jewish employers need their workers.
At 10.30 they start to let men over 50 through. Most have now been at Qalandiya for at least three or four hours. Some for longer. The sun is out in force, it is swelteringly hot. People are fasting so they can’t drink any water and there is no shade.
One of the soldiers is relentlessly shouting ‘ahoga’ – ‘back, back’. There is nowhere for people to go. From time to time they rush at the crowd forcing everyone to move back. They take people’s ID from them and instead of giving it back to them after they’ve looked at it, they walk away with it, forcing the person it belongs to, to run after them. Only they can’t get the other side of the barrier, so they can’t run after them. All they can do is push through the crowds of people trying to keep an eye on the soldier who’s taken it and wait for him or her to walk back to return it, which hardly ever happens. Meanwhile everyone is being told to move back or pushed back by force, and the soldier with the ID has disappeared from sight. This is often where the Machsom Watch women or other observers come in, helping get back people’s ID, without which the already excessive limitations placed on Palestinians become even worse.
For many men, their livelihoods often depend on their permits, they determine whether people can get to their place of work or not and so whether they can afford to feed their families. So it is vital that they don’t have their permit taken away from them. This gives soldiers immense power and forces many Palestinian men into resigned submission. Women usually move around less and many don’t work so their permits have less importance. Not being afraid to lose their permit means they can be braver, more dignified and more powerful in their resistance. As the Israeli soldiers look through Palestinians rather than at them, Palestinian women do the same, looking but not seeing.
A Palestinian man working for the UN agency UNRWA is under 50. He is not allowed to pass either. A health practitioner – a doctor or nurse, I’m not sure which, is not allowed through to go to work.
Unbelievably this is only the first stage of passing through Qalandiya. For men and women, there is another stopping point just about 10 metres away from the first, where they must show their ID again. Even if people have been allowed to pass the first, there is no guarantee they will pass the second.
Then comes the main area of Qalandiya, a three or four minute walk from these initial areas. It is a massive indoor cage with iron turnstiles and security conveyor belts which scan people’s bags. Today the queue wasn’t so long because they were refusing to let so many through the initial stage. There were about 15 people in front of me. As I approached the turnstile I heard a screeching voice from inside, which turned out to be a female soldier behind a window shouting orders ‘yalla yalla’ ‘come on come on’ to those both putting their bags in the machine, and standing directly in front of her at the window. As I waited at the turnstile a young woman was turned back because she wasn’t 45. She leant against the wall to steady herself and cried.
It is unbearable to watch the dismissive and remorseless way that soldiers turn Palestinians away. Hardly any speak Arabic, except for words of command – come, go, shut up, hurry up...
When it was our turn to pass they demanded to see my friend’s camera because they said, she had been taking photos. There are no signs forbidding the use of cameras at the checkpoint but it took a third party intervening to finally force the soldier to give my friend back her passport and her camera and let us through. It was a relief to be on the other side.
We spent four hours at Qalandiya. Some of the women we spoke to were planning to stay all day until the evening when they would face the direction of Al Aqsa mosque, and as a political statement and symbolic act of resistance, they would set down their mats and pray.
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